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Explore Tales of  the Bahamas

Bill Johnson not only reveals the beauty of the Bahamian Islands through his art, but his writing as well. Explore the islands through his eyes in his sister books.

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By Wm. Johnson Jr.

     Captain Johnson spent many years sailing the Bahamas in his Abaco ketch Island Girl. He kept journals and logbooks of his experiences with many of the now deceased spongers, turtle-men, and fishermen in these islands. He has put his biological training and artistic talents to good use by collecting information on bush medicine and natural history. Over the years Johnson has garnered sea stories and folklore tales from many sources.


By Wm. Johnson Jr.

William “Bill” Johnson captures and and preserves the natural beauty of The Bahamas in these stories by depicting Bahamian sea and sky, sail craft, fish, flora, and cultural way of life in this continuation of of Bahama Tales. More Tales is a collection of short stories, writings, and illustrations of a sailor and scientific illustrator passionate about the people, culture, and lands of the West Indies, specifically The Bahamas, Cuba, and Haiti.

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Second Edition: Study of Workboats

By Wm. Johnson Jr.

      White Sound Press is pleased to announce the re-publication of the classic book on Bahamian Sailing Craft by William R. Johnson, Jr. First published in 1973 and long out of print, this second edition replicates the first and includes a new section on Haitian sloops. Beautiful line art and hand lettered text. This is the only book devoted exclusively to Bahamian sailing craft their design and their construction. 

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Official site of original illustration works by William Johnson Jr.  All Rights Reserved 2022. 

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